挽弓當挽強 華美外國語學校(香港部)射箭專項課程正式開課

国际教育网   2023-04-24 10:30:08

Huamei Foreign Language School (Hong Kong Department) Archery Special Course Officially Opened



"Shooting", as one of the six arts of a gentleman, is also the embodiment of Chinese cultural tradition. Ancient scholars should not only have rich knowledge, but alsoa strong body. The ancients believed that archery exercisethe mind as well asthe body.Archery not only requires inner focus and integrity, but also a standardized posture in order to hit the target. Therefore,in ancient times, archery was the main form of sports for gentlemen, and the etiquette norms of archery were also used to improve the humanistic quality.


Huamei Foreign Language School (Hong Kong Department) offers archery courses with the aim of improving students" physical fitness while enhancing their humanistic quality, making them a "gentleman".


Students learn the basic skills of archery under the professional guidance of a coach. The students maintain their posture and feel the joy of archery with their heartsduring the learning.

射箭是一項心智型的運動,運動過程中要求注意力高度集中,克服一切外在的干擾及情緒刺激。並且可改善視力,提高注意力,有益大腦; 可鍛煉毅力,培養意志、提高品質!

Archery is a mental exercise that requires high concentration and the ability of overcoming all external distractions and emotional stimuli. And it can improve vision, increase attention, and benefit the brain; it canalsoexercise perseveranceandcultivate willpower!


Through archery course, students" diverse growth paths arebroadened. Their athletic abilities, healthy behaviors, and sports ethics arecultivated. The course also ignitestheir confidence, self-improvement, enterprising spirit, and enthusiasm for daily progress. This has truly improved their core sports literacy! It is hopedthat allofour students can truly achieve "diverse interests and comprehensive growth"!!



翻譯:呂 婧

